SMO - Krajinski in pripovedni muzej - Museo di paesaggi e narrazioni - Landscape and narrative museum


SMO Slovensko multimedialno okno

The Museum of Landscapes and Narratives was opened in 2013 (as within the European project JezikLingua) as part of the Institute for Slovene Culture in San Pietro al Natisone and is located in the Slovene Cultural Centre.
The museum is open every day to present the heritage and cultural activities of the Slovene minority in Italy.
SMO is part of the Mi SMO Tu museum network and collaborates with various institutions in Italy and Slovenia.

via Alpe Adria, 73
San Pietro al Natisone
Udine, Italy

+39 375 5850033 / +39 0432 727490

open every day

10.00 – 13.00 / 14.30 – 17.30

@isk_benecija / facebook / instagram

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